JOT verbos

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Reflexive pronouns
Reflexive pronouns are used to replace the direct object when the action of the verb rests on the subject, i.e. when the direct object and the subject are logically the same person.
two persons   one person
La madre despierta al niño   La madre se despierta
Mother wakes up the child   Mother   wakes up
sujeto verbo o.d   sujeto o.d verbo
The reflexive pronoun for the third person is se, for the other persons in Spanish are used the following forms:
Yo me despierto
te despiertas
Nosotros nos despertamos
Vosotros os despertáis
A lot of Spanish verbs add the pronoun se to the infinitive: acostarse, dormirse, despertarse, levantarse, ducharse, afeitarse, vestirse, peinarse, etc.
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