The article | |
The Spanish Article forms are: | |
el | For definite singular masculine nouns and for definite singular femenine nouns that start with [á]: el libro, el agua. |
la | For definite singular femenine nouns: la casa, la mesa. |
lo | For definite neutral forms: lo bueno, lo sabio. |
los | For definite plurar masculine nouns: los libros, los niños. |
las | For definite plurar femeniine nouns: las sillas, las casas. |
un | For undefinite singular masculine nouns and for undefinite singular femenine nouns that start with [á]: un libro, un alma. |
una | For undefinite singular femenine nouns: una niña, una caja. |
unos | For undefinite plural masculine nouns: unos ojos, unos pinos. |
unas | For undefinite plural femenine nouns: unas madres, unas ovejas. |
The forms el, un are also used for feminine nouns beginning with a stressed a in order to avoid forced pronunciation of the two [a] sounds: la hacha / el hacha. | |
The contracted article | |
Is the result of the reduction or contraction of the article el and the prepositions a and de: | |
a + el = al de + el = del libro de el profesor = libro del profesor voy a el colegio = voy al colegio. |
The reduction is possible becouse both forms, the article and the preposition, are unstressed forms. The contraction does not happen ejen the article is part of a proper noun: San Lorenzo de El Escorial y Juan ha viajado a El Salvador |
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