JOT verbos

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(first lesson)
Making friends
Gramatical structures Communicative functions
The name and sound of the letters Ask and say the name, nationality
and the profession
The rules of accentuation Ask how to say a word in Spanish
Present tense of the indicative mood Confirm and correct information
_ ¿Eres polaco?
_ No, soy cubano?
_ ¿Eres de La Habana?
_ No, soy de Matanzas.
spell a word
bonus exercises self appraisal
If you want to learn Spanish with a native speaker, send an e-mail to:,
and I will contact you in order to arrange a trial lesson, free of charge and without any obligations on your part.
But if you prefer to learn on your own, using the material available to you on this site, please consider donating via PayPal so that I could keep the site going.


_ ¿Cómo se dice sandwich en español?
_ Sángüich o bocadillo.
_ ¿Cómo?
_ ¡Bo-ca-di-llo!
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